


Given a region of space L(X) centered on X, of volume v, the probability is approximable as p(X)v and can be estimated as:

$$ \hat{p}(X)v=\frac{k(X)}{N}^\text{N of instances in L(x)}_\text{N of instances} \hat{p}(X)= \frac{k(X)}{Nv} $$


The majority vote rule can be improved considering the inverse of the square of the distance as weight for each vote.

Voting KNN

From \(P(X)=\frac{k(x)}{Nv}\) we can build a bayes classifier with \(p(\omega_i) = \frac{N_i}{N}\)

$$g(x) = \begin{cases} \omega_1 \quad if \quad \frac{N_1}{N}\frac{k(X|\omega_1)}{N_1v}> \frac{N_2}{N}\frac{k(X|\omega_2)}{N_2v}\\ \omega_2 \quad if \quad \frac{N_1}{N}\frac{k(X|\omega_1)}{N_1v}< \frac{N_2}{N}\frac{k(X|\omega_2)}{N_2v} \end{cases}$$


$$g(x) = \begin{cases} \omega_1 \quad if \quad k(X|\omega_1)> k(X|\omega_2)\\ \omega_2 \quad if \quad k(X|\omega_1)< k(X|\omega_2) \end{cases}$$

Volumetric KNN

Fixing k, the volume of the region centered in X depends on X, $P(x) = \frac{k}{Nv(x)}$

$$g(x) = \begin{cases} \omega_1 \quad if \quad \frac{N_1}{N}\frac{k}{N_1v_1(X)}> \frac{N_2}{N}\frac{k}{N_2v_2(X)}\\ \omega_2 \quad if \quad\frac{N_1}{N}\frac{k}{N_1v_1(X)} < \frac{N_2}{N}\frac{k}{N_2v_2(X)}\end{cases}$$


$$g(x) = \begin{cases} \omega_1 \quad if \quad d(X,Knn_2) > d(X,Knn_1)\\ \omega_2 \quad if \quad d(X,Knn_2) < d(X,Knn_1) \end{cases}$$

where Knn_i is the k-nearest-neighbor of i^t^h class Since v(X) is a shere, its volume is proportional to the radius so:

$$g(x) = \begin{cases} \omega_1 \quad if \quad v_2(X) > v_1(X)\\ \omega_2 \quad if \quad v_2(X)< v_1(X) \end{cases}$$

For documents, cosine similarity is better than correlation or euclidean.

Data preprocessing is required: attributes may have to be scaled to prevent distance measures from being dominated by one attribute, time series are often standardized to have 0 mean and 1 sd.

Choosing k, if too small sensitive to noise points, if too large neighborhood made of other classes.

NN classifiers are local classifiers, they can produce decision boundaries of arbitrary shape.

Missing values: some approaches use the subset of attributes present in two instances (proximities are not comparable).

Irrelevant attributes add noise to the proximity measure, redundant attributes bias the proximity measure towards certain attribute.

Memory based learner, lazy because doesn’t create a synthetic model, easy to implement, no training cost but for bigger models the cost of classification is quite high.

Improving KNN efficiency: